
Getting Started Developing

Getting your development environment set up and development environment information

Getting Started Developing


This project requires Node 16.19.0. It is recommended to use a Node version manager such as nvm, nodenv, or asdf.

$ nvm use
$ node --version

Install Dependencies

  1. Install dependencies

    $ yarn install


The main start script will boot all applications and their associated type-checking in watch mode. See below for more information on the different applications.

yarn start


This repository houses three applications to facilitate development outside the context of our product applications. These are all started with yarn start, but can also be started individually.

  1. Storybook @ http://localhost:4200

    yarn start:storybook

  2. Demo @ http://localhost:5007/demo — a Next.js application that showcases system components

    yarn start:demo

  3. Documentation @ http://localhost:5006 — our Next.js-based documentation site

    yarn start:documentation

Package Scripts

For convenience, yarn rp allows you to run a package script in any package in the monorepo without changing to that package sub-directory.

yarn rp [partial-package-name] [script]

For example, this will run the build command in the @hover/bootstrap-theme package (located at ./packages/bootstrap-theme):

yarn rp bootstrap build

Note: this uses manypkg run, see the documentation for more information