Getting Started with Bootstrap
This Bootstrap theme serves as the JavaScript-agnostic implementation of the Hover design system.
Generally, you should be able to leverage Bootstrap as documented, and this theme will take care of most customizations necessary for consistency with Hover's overall design language. With that said, do take a look at the examples provided here, as there are some cases where we employ our own HTML markup and CSS classes.
Getting Started
While we plan to eventually distribute the Bootstrap theme as a RubyGem as well, it's currently available from either NPM or as a static asset hosted on our CDN.
The CDN is recommended for most use cases.
Simply copy one of the examples into the <head />
of your HTML document.
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
A version of the theme with all rules scoped as descendents under the .hover-bootstrap
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<!-- Wrap elements with the `.hover-bootstrap` class to apply the theme --><div class="hover-bootstrap"> <button class="btn btn-primary">Hover Design System Bootstrap Button</button></div>
Rails / Slim
= stylesheet_link_tag "", media: "all"