Design System


A Select, often referred to as a dropdown, allows users to choose a single option from a pop-up list. When used with optional placeholder text, the user can also return the Select to a "nothing selected" state.

Choose an option...

Design guidance

When and how to use this

Use a Select when the user needs to make a single choice from a list of options. Selects are particularly useful for longer lists of options, or cases where you want to save space as compared to a group of Radio buttons. A Select is also useful in cases where a user can optionally decide not to choose anything.

When to consider something else

For cases where a user needs to choose one and only one of 2-3 options, or cases where it's beneficial to the user to see all of the options before interacting with the field, you might consider using a group of Radio buttons instead of a Select.


Drag in a Select Field from the Compositions section in the Form Controls v2 library in the Assets pane in your Figma file. A Select component is nested within, which provides 3 size variants. Default has a 48px height, and should cover nearly all use cases. We do also offer Small (32px) and Tiny (24px), but these should be reserved for especially compact UI designs. Options for displaying an icon in the Select, and all states (Idle, Focus, Disabled, and so on) are also available. You can also drag in a Select on its own from the Components section, but we recommend using the Field composition in most cases.


Select composes Chakra's Select. We offer size variants that align with those in TextInput. As with TextInput, we recommend wrapping your Select in a Field to get a <label> element and error display below the field (if an error is present), which will also trigger isInvalid on the Select.


<Stack direction="column" spacing="400">
<option value="option1">I'm idle</option>
<option value="option2">Option 2</option>
<option value="option3">Option 3</option>
<Select isInvalid>
<option value="option1">I'm invalid</option>
<option value="option2">Option 2</option>
<option value="option3">Option 3</option>
<Select isDisabled>
<option value="option1">I'm disabled</option>
<option value="option2">Option 2</option>
<option value="option3">Option 3</option>

sizeSets the size of the Select and its associated label. Use small or tiny only for especially compact interfaces.
widthSelect defaults to a width of 100%. Set width: auto and display: inline-block or use flexbox to layout a Select with automatic width. The isTruncated prop defaults to true for cases when the option label contents do not fit in the allotted width.
placeholderSets placeholder text for the Select.
isDisabledIf true the Select will be disabled.
isInvalidIf true the Select will be invalid and its aria-invalid will be set to true


Bootstrap provides styles for Select and accompanying <label> elements, using the .form-select and .form-label classes. We match Figma and React size variants via .form-select-sm and .form-select-tiny. Using Bootstrap's .form-select-lg maps to our default (48px height) variant.


<label class="form-label" for="exampleSelect1">Select example</label>
<select class="form-select" id="exampleSelect1" aria-label="Select example">
<option selected>I'm a Bootstrap select</option>
<option value="1">One</option>
<option value="2">Two</option>
<option value="3">Three</option>

.form-select and .form-labelInvokes Bootstrap theme styles for text inputs and labels.
.form-select-sm and form-select-tinyReproduces the small (32px height, default 16/24 text) and tiny (24px height, 14/20 text) size variants found in Figma and React

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